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Our instructors have backgrounds in public safety, civilian law-enforcement training, military, and bail enforcement/fugitive recovery experience. All trainers are either USCCA, NRA, and/or ADF&G certified instructors. In addition, some of our instructors are currently licensed EMT's and have law-enforcement level ASP, Sabre, and Taser certifications.
All staff are hunting and shooting enthusiasts that firmly believe in defending each American's fundamental, God-given right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Have questions about an upcoming class? Need to get in touch with us? Fill out the form to the left and click "Send", or:
Snail mail: 1515 E. Tudor Road, Suite #3
Anchorage, Alaska 99507 USA
Tel: 907-952-2974, Ext. 1
Safe shooting! :)